Thursday, February 19, 2009


So here i am, ranting and raving about the evils of human rights violation, about people who don't give a shit about the people they're hurting, and about people who are stupid to hit a human person. (gash that's like hitting God's creation. can you imagine slapping a son of a father? if you really think about it, it's mean.) And then here comes the chapter in our social psych class which answers all my queries on this human rights violation hulabaloo of mine.

a day before the quiz (our teacher gives us a quiz everytime she starts on a new chapter), i read the chapter on Aggression. it was voila. the answers to my WHYs and WHAT THE F*CK WERE THEY THINKINGs were all laid out in front of me. i never really read the book thoroughly, as in word for word, but this time i did. (nine over ten beybeh).

i've learned that all this springs from aggression. from simple child abuse (hostile aggression) to war and terrorism (instrumental aggression). Aggression is defined as physical or verbal behavior intended to cause harm. intended to cause harm. that pretty much says a lot about how people can be sooo. arg. i've been wondering how people can intend to cause harm on other people. HOW! can a parent hit his/her own child?! HOW can someone enslave, starve and batter his own countrymen?! HOW can people decide to kill a race without a bothering conscience? HOW can people bomb a peaceful town and kill so many innocent people just because you want to own their land!? the book says that aggression can be biologically rooted (meaning you're just really an ass), a natural response to frustration (maaaaaybe), and that aggression is a learned behavior (you don't really know what you're doing). well, you can give explanations to each of the reasons. maybe what i want to point out here is that aggression is. ugh. natural. (?) that it happens. and the book suggests Catharsis to reduce aggression. well most of the time it doesn't work. it just worsens the feeling.
and people are taking it out on everybody in every way they can. if hitler has issues with his being a one-ball-wonder (did you know that hitler only has one testicle?) if khmer rouge doesn't like being a Cambodian, if gloria feels so small and decides that the only way for people to see her is to be evil and powerful at the same time, if Marcos felt that he didn't enjoy his college life because he studied too hard and later decided to make the country a hell of a party; these people. have issues. this is why everyone needs their very own personalized fluffy and cuddly psychologist. (lol) but srsly.

my blog is incoherent, forgive me. but here's my next point.

remember my blog on the killing fields where i said that we didn't really need to waste money on weapons and warfare, and that we could spend it instead on preventing poverty and illiteracy and stuff. well, there's this part in the introduction of the chapter where it said "Worldwide, more than $2 billion per day is spent on arms and armies - $2 billion that could feed, educate, and protect the environment of the world's impoverished millions" exactly my point. we're always complaining about how our world is never in its right mind, we complain that our country is so poor (because the people who lead it are the ones stealing from it, GAHD.), we complain that our system in the country is so inefficient (well maybe it wouldn't be as inefficient if the wiser ones in our country didn't LEAVE US). we complain too much about everything, and that's it. have you ever thought that maybe ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT might be a good place to start?

when i take that short walk from ministop to the Katipunan LRT station, i always see this man whom people try to avoid when they pass by him. His shirt all dirty and torn, walking barefoot and carrying an empty plastic bag. i didn't want to use this word but i couldn't find a better term to describe him, but BALIW siya. okay. But you don't really know that. As a budding psychologist, i was thinking. How do people know he really isn't in his right mind? Did they conduct psychological tests to measure his intelligence? to interpret his personality? is he even ABLE to take these tests? aside from that, what's going on in his mind? does he think that he's the only normal person in the world and that the people walking past him are the crazy ones? With his condition, he obviously thinks HE'S OKAY. if he can think that way, we probably can convince ourselves that we ARE okay right? so i drop a few coins in his plastic bag and walk away. i made him less poor for that day. (so he might be part of a syndicate that's why he's pretending to be deranged or something, but did it ever occur to you that he might not be one?) :)

there's this entry on, a guy posted something online. here:
fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures
text reads:
I was watching inconvenient truth the other day and theres the bit where it shows the sea level rising really high and flooding most of the world. Well i live near the sea, and don’t want to drown, so i got to thinking. Maybe if we lower the sea level a bit, when the water level rises then it won’t rise high enough to flood.

Anyway, heres the plan. Everyone who can should take a bucket of sea water and pour it down the sink. If lots of people put the effort in, we could lower the sea level substantially and create a better world for our children to live

FAIL. yes. fail. my roommate and i laughed forever. but. at least he made an effort to think of an idea to solve global warming! have you thought of not buying food packed in styrofoam containers? have you ever thought that maybe just dropping the right garbage onto the correct waste bins would make a difference? you should go watch inconvenient truth. you'll learn that when the sun hits the earth's surface, it should bounce back up to the outer space. but since our ozone layer is f*cked up, it gets trapped in our atmospher, that's why it's hot. the ice caps in the north pole are melting fast and the waters are getting cold. this weird change in temperature causes the winds and currents to go chaotic, i.e. hurricane katrina. and the many other storms that has happened.

when i get the chance to go to the beach, i probably will take a bucket of water and pour it down the sink. this guy deserves at least 2 buckets. one from him, and another from me. kudos to him.

i think something has to be done. if we can just stop complaining. if we can just stop criticizing (i'm stopping. haha). if we can just stop for awhile. and start doing something.

try eating mcdo looking at this.

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