Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween costumes!

it's weird, i'm 20 and it's just now that i've come to appreciate, okay LOVE halloween. when i was a kid, i dressed up as a witch just because my mom told me so, and we went trick or treating at this mall.

a few years ago, i accompanied my cousins trick or treating around their village. and i was so envious because even the grown ups were in costumes, and ideas were just coming in my head. i wanted to dress like this, like that, i had tons of ideas. and now that it's halloween again, i decided to be a disney princess; snow white! haha i know, corny because everyone's a disney princess. but just once in my life, i want to be one. haha. and snow white's was the simplest one to do, considering i don't have much time to prepare.

but this year, since i won't be spending halloween in manila, i thought, WHY NOT HAVE A HALLOWEEN PARTY IN ILOILO! i can't get villages to agree to trick or treating, some villages may have their own i guess. but it's kaylle's 10-10-10 (yes, her birthday was october 10, 2010, which comes once in 800 years) so WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE IT! and though it's not exactly 101010, we decided her birthday celebration to be a halloween partyyyy! :) hihihih and it's later naaaa! :)

will post pictures after her partay!!!

but this blog is for future reference only. these are some of my ideas, although next year, some will be "so-last-year".

THE lady gaga
so then, i'd have to borrow my Pilandok Gara costume

Plants vs. Zombies
i seriously wanted to be one of these guys.
but then you'd have to pull it off as a group! FRIENDS? haha

Despicable Me!

or this one FRIENDS! :)

The Simpsons
pull this off as a familyyy!!!!

I wanted to do this, pero effort!!!!!!!

Barbie Dolls
I wanted to do this too! but i suggested the barbie doll for lei's creative shot!

Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold
classic! do the kids still know hey arnold??
i miss our childhood.

The Diary of the Wimpy Kid!
anyone can pull this off! if you're too lazy for anything. haha

my baby's first costume! hihihih super cuuute!!!

but this is perhaps the coolest costume. hahaha
pull it off as an office!!! cgenaaaa.

then the whole office can wear the headbands with the diamond on their heads!

or i can go as myself.

more halloween costume ideas to come!
i love halloween! :)

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