Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On losing 10lbs

For almost a month now, i've been on this "buwis-buhay" diet. I'm a pescatarian and a vegetarian now. I only eat fruits, vegetables and fish (boiled/steamed). I'm doing this for the 2 productions i'm in: Labaw Donggon and Trobol sa Troya. They didn't exactly say I had to lose weight, they just said we all had to be fit for the coming rehearsals (heavy choreo an dance rehearsals). It was also about time that I get myself into shape (also for health reasons). So for one month now, i haven't eaten pork, beef, rice... Chicken, only twice since i started.

The first 2 weeks was depressing: i was in a bad mood all the time, I was irritable and sensitive, hormonal, i reprimanded my students more than usual and felt tired most of the day. I would usually have anxiety attacks about life, about this stupid diet, about everything that i usually do not have problems with.

After a month though, i've learned that your body gets used to what you're feeding it, so even if you see an entiing baby back ribs on the table, you still would refuse it. Every week i have these mini cheat days wherein i'd allow myself to eat Tempura Tuna Sashimi Tartare and Kani Salad from Teriyaki Boy, 2 of my absolute faves in the world. It's still fish and veggies. :)

After one month, i finally had a cheat day: we ate at Sambokojin and ate all the sushi and sashimi i wanted. Nothin grilled or fried, just thefresh stuff. I had tempura, a wee bit of ice cream, chocolate and cake. I felt dizzy after lunch and my stomach was acting up--- my body reacted to the sudden bingeing, so i decided to box and bike it off.

People have been telling me how mich i've lost weight, but honestly, their reaction and how shocked they are doesn't equate to how i feel. I still feel the same, like i haven't lost anything at all. I still feel like it's the same size, same weight, same old same old. If it wasn't for the clothes that were magically ballooning on me or my costumes that would already drop to the floor because it would no linger fit me, i really wouldn't notice the difference. I still feel the same.

And when people tell me how i'm going to go back to my old eating habits when i've lost the weight, i've realized, it won't happen. For one, the body isn't used to how you used to eat before so i don't think going back would be easy. And second, if everyone was telling you you're losing weight, wouldn't you continue doing whatever you were doing because you now know it works? I would even double my exercise, and eat lesser this time because i now know that whatever i am doing works. It's easy, promise. The first 2 weeks were hard, but eventually your mind will control you. It's easy, i tell you. :)

Still sad and tired though. Just drink lots of water and conzace so you don't get tired or sick. :)

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