kirk looks like he's retiring, not funny. :( i'm getting a new phone very soon, but i'm still not ready to give kirk up. huuhuh. i've searched online for nokia phones (nokia onllyyyy!!), but nothing is as pretty as my kirk. i'm thinking of buying another one just like him, but that'll only be redundant. huhu. i'm thinking about nokia E71:

and the touchscreen shit of nokia:

i'm currently using my sunphone, but with my globe number. the very elegant, the very pretigious nokia 1200:

bwahaha. i'm thinking of having kirk traded in, and just add money for the new phone. dunno. help me. i'm dilemma. bwahahahah.
i'm in my abnormal psychology class with 10 minutes more to go. wooh. ciao. help me please. thank you. bye.
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