remember when i said that my hell midterms was going to end on a monday (aug24)?? well. it's over now and i can breathe. inhale. exhale. omg i'm still alive. :) although i cheated my way out of histo graded recitation, i cut class. HAHA. i tried to finish reading Immanuel Kant's section 2 this morning, but FAAIL. I hate it when sir says he'll give a quiz, and turns out it's a graded recitation. i'm always prepared when it's on paper, but never when he asks on the spot. So there, as usual, i had the gut feeling i'd be called. and yes, my philo prof called me and for the second time around this semester, i failed a graded recitation. please don't let me get started on ranting about Kant and philo and all that shiz. i'm tired. how can philosophers just think forever????? think think think. sometimes, overthinking kills you. oh and i breezed through my italian exam. :) there were just around 2-3 numbers i wasn't really sure of, but my composition was ameyzeeng. HAHA. so there. i got through the acads today.
after all my classes, i went to ENTA room to sleep. it was a good powernap. after all, i slept at around 4am this morning trying to read Kant, only to fail my 2nd graded recit for philo. arg. frustrating much. then i went to talk to sir jet about my play... then watched rehearsals.. and then went to Kanin Club. :)
tonight, i'm going to have to pull an all-nighter because i'm going to compile our thesis ungraded draft of chapter 2. :) i know i can do this. i always pull it off. HAHA. but before that, i'm going to have to list down the things i'm thankful for today. :)
1. thank you for good friends. :) true friends! when you have a virlynn ramirez, a kate coderes and a paolo banaga, then you're good. :) love you guyzz.
2. after a week of not having rehearsals, i visited them again today. :) i missed you guys. i'm sorry it just has to be this way. i know we can pull this off. i believe. :) thank you, still, for people who never give up. :) who appreciate what other people do. :)
3. for Eva, that little girl who sings REALIZE really well. :) i'm never going to get tired of your cover. :) please sing on my wedding day. :)
4. for philo class. believe it or not. i hate hate how sir makes us read kant or his philo readings, and then gives graded recits or quizzes, or hard orals. he makes it seem like we don't have other things to study for. but i love philo, i really do. my notes are just buzzing because i take down everything he says. the statements are very eye-opening and they're very mind stimulating. makes you say, onga noh. go borrow my philo notebook, i'm sure you'll find something worth thinking. :)
5. thank you because i survived hell midterms. just thesis chapter 2, read a little on theo and catch up with abnormal psych. :) we have a few months to go before sembreak. WOOH. :) just bring it on. :)
btw, i want a lisa frank bag for my birthday.
or a file case. i'm going to use it as a laptop case. :)
Ciao! :)
as i always say,
tu sei difficili amare, ma comunque, io fare. :)
ReplyDeletehey where's le ching tea house? haha.
ReplyDelete@kate. hhuhu hindi ko napicturan kasi malabo!! huhu.