i've never seen illness spread like this. bongga. i can count the people who aren't sick right now. yesterday in our abnormal psych class, sir davis was looking for half of the class. probably they are on quarantine. same with our theo class. imagine the hulabaloo in the infirmary. i just hope that everyone is okay and will be better soon. i don't know how people can continue to prevent this plague. the school has taken measures on the recent H1N1 pandemic by forcing self-quarantine on students, putting hand sanitizers everywhere around the campus, by selling face masks in school, putting up tarpaulins with information about H1N1, creating a moratorium on large gathers (500 or more people). but still, there are people getting sick.
right now, we're staging Nicolas Pichay's ANG HENERALA here in the RMT. and we're always on red alert because anytime someone calls in sick, we have to find people to take the sick person's place. even the people in the tech booth, even our production manager, our stage managers. sigh. and before you enter the rehearsal room in the theater, you will see this sign on the door:

inside the RR, there's a list of people who are on sir jet's watchlist. haha. they're not supposed to be seen anywhere around rmt unless they have fully recovered. :)

so yeah. :) i'm going onstage again tonight as jedyne because she's sick. :) and I AM GOING TO REDEEM MYSELF TONIGHT. whatever happened last night, that's over now. i have moved on. NOW I AM GOING TO REDEEM MYSELF. :) :) :)
on a lighter note!!!!!
hihihihi. HEHE.
Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind. :) :) :)

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