- no speed limit was stressful, but the feeling after the whole thing was just priceless. thanks to everyone. :) but still. the rain. the venue. everything. was just. blah. super stress.
- nstp. well, not much of a stress, i just had to wake up early even if i was super tired. since it was our last insertion already, felo and i left the students and explored olandes, marikina. bought lots of sweet corn junk food and choko2x. oh dear. that was my last insertion as an nstp head. that's it.
- directing workshop. running back and forth. running around school. waiting for matinong OR, photocopying, wooh. i had fun though. learned a lot from the directing workshop. thank you sir jet. :)
- mcdo. super hungry. argh. hate fastfood.
- didn't find a trike around katip, decided to stop by national bookstore.. didn't know what to buy so picked up some carebears merchandise. lol. call me weird, but i like going around natio. you find so many stuff around, it's amusing actually. it calmed me a bit.
- walked home. actually, stopped by cervini recroom to talk to kuya kalil about the directing workshop. bad news, good news. oh dear. i had to take it all in anyway. so yeah.
- found my room super messy, didn't do anything about it.
- remembered i had to let people answer our test for psychtesting.
- IO report. have to do it before 10pm tomorrow.
- snapped in the middle of a conversation. didn't take it anymore. got super emotional and super. argh. blah. aaarrrggghhh.
- i'm gonna see someone soon.
- took crayons and the carebears coloring book i just bought, and half-finished a page.
- watched mean girls with cha.
tomorrow, discernment for enta eb. oh and cha and i are going to eat lemon chicken. i cannot wait. i can just cry. comfort food much. much much much needed. God.
i'm just dizzy. with everything that's happening. i blame it all to the rain. the hell of a weekend. the lack of prod-stuff/play related stuff, not being able to do my normal weekend schedule,
they sled down that. inflatable thingy when airplanes land on water. ARGH. that's ika and someone sliding down. AAARRRGGGHHH. this once in a lifetime experience. i missed it. and i don't know if maam's gonna give me extra work to make up for it. i don't even know if i could cut the fieldtrip. i just did, i just had to.
i'd rather collapse now. kthnxbye.
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