Saturday, February 28, 2009
It just dawned on me.
things i have to do:
1. HISTORY GROUP PAPERs. i know there are 2. these were given at the start of the semester. and it's due March. IT'S ALREADY MARCH! haven't started on anything!!!!
2. HISTO extra points. He gave around 5 events to go to, and i'm going TO ALL. i really need that extra points. srsly.
3. PHILO reporting is on March10. (was at sir gus' house yesterday and made kwento about my pbb audition, then i realized. i cut his class for the auditions. HAHA)
4. PHILO exam. there's 1 left? not sure. and an oral examination during finals week. i don't like doing orals.
5. PSYCH testing. there's lots to do for this subject. the presentation, institution, group papers. yes.
6. SOCIAL PSYCH. so far, this subject is okay. i'm planning to take the first long test for the make up exam. there's one more exam left. not sure if there's an final exam for this.
7. IO. exam. has not been set yet. it should've been monday last week. so i must be prepared for this.
8. AKO,SIYA. no blockings yet, no rehearsals, i don't have tech and music yet. so far, i've done a one-on-one with lem and script analysis with lem and robert. this is on March 6. yes.
9. ENTA SENIORS' PARTY. i'm super excited. can't wait!
i may look okay, but at this point my insides are panicking. please let me not procrastinate anymore. i am tired of procrastinating. i don't see the point of my procrastination. :((
ako, siya

featuring plays by
March 4 and 6, 2009 4:30 p.m.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Pinoy Big Brother Season 3
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ilonggo Youth on EDSA
to those who will be running for office this 2010 ELECTIONS, yes. you should think about this. :)
(Young People for Positive Change)
To celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the EDSA Revolution, we, the high school student leaders of Assumption-Iloilo, Ateneo de Iloilo -
The national elections in 2010 will give us another chance to elect officials. A new group of voters, the youth, will have the chance to exercise the right of suffrage. So, we came together and resolved to let our voices be heard.
Get in touch with us.
Contact person:
· Eunice Tan Contreras
(033) 3389733
Young People on Politics
Making the Right Choice
Quite recently, much talk has been buzzing around regarding the 2010 Presidential Election. A number of politicians have cited their intentions to run for the President seat, and dozens of posters have sprung up in many cities throughout our country. It is also important to note that one year from now, a fresh batch of young voters will exercise for the first time their constitutional right to vote. As such, many of the “presidentiables” have focused their campaigns toward this voting group.
Previous elections, such as the recent one in the
One of the problems many voters face is choosing a right leader. Sometimes, the line between truth and lies gets blurred, and it gets really hard to vote for the deserving candidate. So, the knowledge of the qualities that make a good leader should not only be known by leaders and candidates but also by voters and citizens as well.
Obviously, there are many qualities that make up a good leader. However, we believe that there are four of these that stand out among the rest. A good leader must be:
- Charismatic – There is a saying that goes that “no man is an island”. As such, politicians cannot lead the country by themselves. They need the help of the citizens. There is always strength in numbers. A charismatic leader has the ability to rally the populace into one single cause, and unite the nation in times of crisis. Quoting from John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, “When we are united, there is much to do; when not, there is nothing we can do.”
- Firm – Leaders are elected to lead. However this is not the case in many sectors of our government. Many politicians are easily influenced by external elements whenever they would make decisions. We need leaders who are firm in their decision making. They must be the ones to lead and let others follow. In the kind of world that we live in today, weaklings have no place to exist in a society.
- Honest – Dishonesty is the root of all the corruption in our country. Therefore, the solution is honesty. A lot of corrupt politicians are stupid enough to believe that many of us Filipinos are so ignorant, that we believe their lies in the radio and on TV. Quite frankly, we’re not. Honest leaders are those who make sure that what they say will always be what they do.
- Virtuous – Virtue is perhaps the most important aspect of a good leader. Why? It is because every other good thing will follow if and only if the leader is virtuous. If virtues are the foundation of a good human being, then virtuous leaders are the foundation of a good society. Evil begets evil and goodness begets goodness. A good leader will foster a good society while a bad leader will most certainly lead it to ruin.
Although most of the responsibility in improving and changing our country lies with the politicians, we citizens share a part of it to. Since we live in a democracy, we are the ones who truly hold the power. Without us, the politicians are nothing. Who else would be the ones whom they would lead? This is why many candidates invest so much time, money and effort just to get votes. It is said in the Bible that “a bad tree bears bad fruit and a good tree bears good fruit”. Since we will cast our votes in the next election, we must make sure that those whom we elect into office are good trees. Whether we like it or not, we are going to have to deal with the next batch politicians for the next few years of our lives. We might as well make these years worth living by voting for the right leaders. One Election Day could make such an impact that would affect us for the rest of our lives.
By: The Westbridge Student Council
More Tarps?
Politics, true enough, will never mean the same without the fancy suits and cars, the megaphones and prank-like advertisements, the rivalries and all of this sort that can simply be placed under one hilarious term: fuss.
However, questions still remain, especially on an occasion like EDSA, when will we really take this seriously? What, or who should we really be looking into as people capable of the biggest job in the nation?
Honestly, at this point it may be unfair to make judgements. But at least we should know what kind of person we want to have. And to all the readers: what is this really all about? Everywhere we see “Register Now and be Counted!” by whoever for the whatever position. Nothing can be seen that is actually about these people. Since the last elections, everything has been more of a popularity contest, no one dared much to explain what he/she would really do.
And as we know that none of us could really know what could be done when you are in the palace, we should at least make sure that what we want to happen to this country is fought for by our voted candidate.
Yet again, fought for seems to be so odd to describe.
Simply put, then, we need a leader that fills the tarpaulins not with his face, but with what he can do. That does not only speak of what he can do, with all the college degrees he/ she may have attained outside and the like, but had really been proven to do it even in the outside world. Enough of the wisetalk, we don’t need it! We need a practical leader, who does what he says he will do and makes sure they happen well. We need a leader who truly cares for this country and what happens to it. We need someone that can face the world and change the way everyone looks at the
Point is we don’t need a typical politician, we literally need someone who won’t care about his/her face but will care about the face of the street where his/her tarpaulin is posted. We need someone who will inspire by example. And even so, many would say that this is such a dreamy line of thought, but if Ninoy Aquino existed and there was good in him, is it so impossible to find another good man out there?
A president will take charge of the problem and solve it, we’re still balancing at the negative trillions right now and we are just looking at it. A true hero wouldn’t stand the reason it can’t be solved. We know PGMA is working very hard, but we also know she can’t be there beyond 2010 anymore. Again, the point is: as we commemorate EDSA, let’s remember that 23 years ago, a man lived and loved his country, can’t we find a man like that now? Is it impossible, or are we just so closed-minded?
We have to start reading beyond the digitally printed lines these days and know who we’re writing down in the ballot. The only way to believe in one’s choices is if you know they are sincere. But do we, as an entire nation, totally know the president we have even after 8 years of her on that high seat?
It’s time to choose wisely, not critically however. Because we can never find the spirit of Ninoy if we don’t look for it, if we don’t appreciate the good in each candidate’s hearts.
By the Ateneo League of Leaders(ALL) under and in cooperation with the Ateneo de Iloilo – Santa Maria Catholic School Student Council ‘08-‘09
From Our Point of View
Twenty-three years have passed since the bloodless revolution took place but the meaning and significance of that action still echo today. It not only spoke of the Filipinos’ freedom but also rid our country of a tyrant. It expressed the plea for an upright government to be established in order to mend the mistakes of the past.
Now, we may not see any improvements from our dismal political landscape but the 2010 Elections give us another chance to elect officials who will transform our country positively.
We believe that the elections present us with an opportunity to promote good governance. Solving our problems will not be an overnight activity but it requires time. Still, electing a knowledgeable and skilled President will give us a chance to see good governance come into play.
Good governance will establish discipline among the citizens. Government leaders can give good examples to each other and to the future leaders who will take their places. Efficient and honest leadership will motivate the followers to be upright and law-abiding citizens. This is what we call leadership by example. By next year, a new President will be sitting in the office of Malacañang. It is important that the citizens of this country elect a president who will lead not only the people but other government officials as well. We believe that corruption can be lessened if the highest-ranking official, that is, the President, sets a good example for his or her fellow public officials to follow.
Good governance will give this country hope. The youth can give this country hope. We, Filipinos, have the skills to become effective leaders. The thing is, we just lack the discipline of self-control once we assume that great responsibility of leading society. In the coming 2010 Elections, hundreds of thousands of the youth will add to the country’s current voting population. These new voters will represent the voice of the young, their opinions, particularly on who deserve to become the nation’s leaders. And as the country’s future leaders, we also believe that we can promise succeeding generation a better tomorrow. We, the youth, understand what is going on in this country. We also want to stop it. And in the best way we can, we believe that we are capable of contributing for the better change.
In the same way, as part of the youth, we hope that these words can somehow prove that we do understand and that we do care. We hope that in some way, the opinions that we have freely expressed here will make a difference.
By the
We hope that our messages will help you reflect on your choices for the Elections. We may not be able to vote now, but in a few years, we will. For now, we place our hopes on you – that you’ll be able to put competent leaders in office. After all, our future lies on the choices that you make. We hope that through this paper, choosing the names you will write in your ballot will be easier and more meaningful.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
on leave.
so i'm on leave. on ym, on facebook, on plurk, on multiply, on friendster, on blogspot, on pet society. will only check yahoomail and touch the laptop if i have academic-related stuff to do. i'm on leave for as long as i can. (who wants to bet by tomorrow i'm back rofl)

au revoir!
this one's for you. :)
this one's for you. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
so what's wrong with my Lance?
- it's dirty in general. my finders feel the dust particles especially on the track pad (is that what you call it. haha) and the keyboard. i need a laptop cleaner. also a screen cleaner or something.
- no cd drive. so it's sad that i can't watch movies from dvds anymore. or install stuff from the cd. i don't even know how i can install softwares anymore. haha
- it's XP. i don't know. i'm OC so i like my files really really organized. and the files, the programs are just all over the place.
- the battery is all effed up. like if you unplug the laptop, it's gonna go off. so basically you can't use it if it's unplugged. goodbye bringing the laptop in the cr.
- it overheats like crazy. lance cannot survive without the notebook cooler. well. the cooler is not effective, but. at least my laptop doesn't suddenly die. unlike before. AND IT'S SO HASSLE TO DRAG THE COOLER ALONG every time i bring my laptop.
- it's heavy. maybe it's also because my laptop bag is as heavy as my laptop. plus the wires and the cooler. yes. i feel like there's extra gravity.
yes, that's about it. aside from getting viruses and it likes to hang out, yes, that's it.
so i was laptop hunting last night. (i promise to get back to studying after i take a bath after i write this blog). i'm not expecting that my parents get me a new one, after all, lance has a sentimental value and i'm keeping him forever and ever and ever. and i don't really NEED one. my mom has always emphasized even when i was younger that when purchasing something, i should weigh it first whether it was a WANT or a NEED. obviously, the NEEDS should go first. but IF EVER, theoretically, in an alternate universe where WANTS are prioritized, IF my parents decide to get me a new laptop.
it has got to be an HP MINI 1000 VIVIENNE TAM edition. for someone like me who likes gadgets and stuff that are cute, chic and girly, THIS IS SO FOR ME.
click here for a review on the vivienne tam.
i shall summarize the review for you. why i love vivienne tam:
- for the shallowest of reasons, i don't have to think of a name. i shall call my laptop vivienne. HAHAHAHAHA.
- weighing below 2.5lbs, HELLO. i'll bring it everywhere i go.
- the 10.2″ LED BrightView Infinity Widescreen display with a 1024 x 576 resolution sounds comfortable to the eyes. :)
- (ok someone translate this for me) Running Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 3 on a 1.6GHZ Atom processor with 1GB of ram, and a 60GB 4,200 RPM hard drive. i understand that it's still XP (i'm okay), and that 1GB of RAM is GOOD! 60GB space is also okay for me. it's understandable, since it's small. and i have a 160GB external drive anyway. so i'm good.
- 2 USB PORTS. no cd drive. okaay. so, maybe, yes considering i'm in the same situation, i can do without it. :) i can live with 2 usb ports. :)
what you won't like about vivienne:
- webcam quality isn't that wonderful.
- trackpad isn't great because the left and right click are opposite of each other, so if you want to be comfortable clicking around, the review suggests that you use a mouse. BUT VIVIENNE ALSO HAS A MOUSE! check it out in the review.
so maybe the features aren't that... different from other laptops. nothing new. BUT ARE THE OTHER LAPTOPS AS PRETTY AS VIVIENNE!??!?!?! and it's small!!! weeh. it's $699 so that around 40k in the philippines. i srsly want one. seriously without the vowels. i'm that serious.
but vivienne isn't the only one i'm eyeing. the VT is just my priority. next in line is the SONY VAIO P SERIES. :)
this summer, i must find a summer job. must find funds. lottery? business? babysitting? find a practicum that pays? garage sale?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
a day before the quiz (our teacher gives us a quiz everytime she starts on a new chapter), i read the chapter on Aggression. it was voila. the answers to my WHYs and WHAT THE F*CK WERE THEY THINKINGs were all laid out in front of me. i never really read the book thoroughly, as in word for word, but this time i did. (nine over ten beybeh).
i've learned that all this springs from aggression. from simple child abuse (hostile aggression) to war and terrorism (instrumental aggression). Aggression is defined as physical or verbal behavior intended to cause harm. intended to cause harm. that pretty much says a lot about how people can be sooo. arg. i've been wondering how people can intend to cause harm on other people. HOW! can a parent hit his/her own child?! HOW can someone enslave, starve and batter his own countrymen?! HOW can people decide to kill a race without a bothering conscience? HOW can people bomb a peaceful town and kill so many innocent people just because you want to own their land!? the book says that aggression can be biologically rooted (meaning you're just really an ass), a natural response to frustration (maaaaaybe), and that aggression is a learned behavior (you don't really know what you're doing). well, you can give explanations to each of the reasons. maybe what i want to point out here is that aggression is. ugh. natural. (?) that it happens. and the book suggests Catharsis to reduce aggression. well most of the time it doesn't work. it just worsens the feeling.
my blog is incoherent, forgive me. but here's my next point.
when i take that short walk from ministop to the Katipunan LRT station, i always see this man whom people try to avoid when they pass by him. His shirt all dirty and torn, walking barefoot and carrying an empty plastic bag. i didn't want to use this word but i couldn't find a better term to describe him, but BALIW siya. okay. But you don't really know that. As a budding psychologist, i was thinking. How do people know he really isn't in his right mind? Did they conduct psychological tests to measure his intelligence? to interpret his personality? is he even ABLE to take these tests? aside from that, what's going on in his mind? does he think that he's the only normal person in the world and that the people walking past him are the crazy ones? With his condition, he obviously thinks HE'S OKAY. if he can think that way, we probably can convince ourselves that we ARE okay right? so i drop a few coins in his plastic bag and walk away. i made him less poor for that day. (so he might be part of a syndicate that's why he's pretending to be deranged or something, but did it ever occur to you that he might not be one?) :)
there's this entry on, a guy posted something online. here:
see more pwn and owned pictures
text reads:
I was watching inconvenient truth the other day and theres the bit where it shows the sea level rising really high and flooding most of the world. Well i live near the sea, and don’t want to drown, so i got to thinking. Maybe if we lower the sea level a bit, when the water level rises then it won’t rise high enough to flood.
Anyway, heres the plan. Everyone who can should take a bucket of sea water and pour it down the sink. If lots of people put the effort in, we could lower the sea level substantially and create a better world for our children to live
FAIL. yes. fail. my roommate and i laughed forever. but. at least he made an effort to think of an idea to solve global warming! have you thought of not buying food packed in styrofoam containers? have you ever thought that maybe just dropping the right garbage onto the correct waste bins would make a difference? you should go watch inconvenient truth. you'll learn that when the sun hits the earth's surface, it should bounce back up to the outer space. but since our ozone layer is f*cked up, it gets trapped in our atmospher, that's why it's hot. the ice caps in the north pole are melting fast and the waters are getting cold. this weird change in temperature causes the winds and currents to go chaotic, i.e. hurricane katrina. and the many other storms that has happened.when i get the chance to go to the beach, i probably will take a bucket of water and pour it down the sink. this guy deserves at least 2 buckets. one from him, and another from me. kudos to him.
i think something has to be done. if we can just stop complaining. if we can just stop criticizing (i'm stopping. haha). if we can just stop for awhile. and start doing something.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
do you remember the time - Michael Jackson
fans get to star in their very own version of their idol's music video... my favorite was kirsten's baby one more time. very very similar. hahaha. the only part i liked was that they get to learn the dance steps of the video. wooh.
back in highschool, we had a similar event, but instead, we called it AC BECOMING. (during the earlier years, it was called "AC SPOOFY") all the sections in highschool were involved, and we all had to pick out a music video with choreography and all to copy and perform it onstage. back when i was still in gradeschool, my favorite spoofs were "It's Gonna Be Me" by Nsync and "Crazy" by Britney Spear. very good immitation. :) The choreography, costumes and set had to be exactly similar to the video. I also remember "Candy" by Mandy Moore and "Heartbreaker" by Mariah Carey performed on stage.
During the elimination round of AC BECOMING, we did "POP" by Nsync. I played the role of Lance Bass. HAHAHAHA. I loved learning the steps! haha. In the elimination round, only one section per batch was chosen. In the final round, we competed with the other year levels. So we won the elimination round with our Nsync music video. The next step was to collaborate with the other sections in our batch and copy another or the same music video.
This is what we picked. :)
check out 3:30 for the crazy choreography! haha. i remember the gold metallic wrappers we had to cut out even during class, gold spray paints, skintoned tights and leotards, head dresses and etc. AW I MISS HIGHSCHOOL. :)
"Everybody" by Backstreet Boys won though. but it's okay. we, my section, won every single competition there was during that schoolyear. (except the medicine and cleanliness drive. LOL)
you want random? i'll give you random.
i am NOT SPOILED. i just happen to have a lot of needs. lol. but no, really, this time, I'M JUST EXPRESSING. i am not asking, demanding or implying that someone buy me a new one. i'm just expressing that my phone, my dearest and cutest phone...
so the other day i was doing some errands. HAHAHAHA. and i couldn't help but go around a little in gateway. then i remembered i was looking for double headbands (whatever you call them). i remembered kamiseta had these headbands but they were too expensive i didn't think they were worth it. 99 for just a headband. i went to kamiseta anyway and told myself that i'd buy one because i won't find another like it anywhere. so there, i purchase the item. i went out to check girlshoppe. LO AND BEHOLD. double headbands in all colors at P30 each. i bought 2. wah.
i've been wanting to blog about my pillow, but i never had the time. SO HERE IT IS. i hope you get something from this. :) it's a nice pillow. reminds me every single waking day of my life. hahahahaha. :)
oh and my corner is messy again. i'm sick too.
Friday, February 13, 2009
valentines for everyone. :)
February 13, 2007—In what's been called a Valentine's Day gift to Italy, archaeologists today excavated two interlocked Stone Age skeletons—leaving their "eternal embrace" intact and making it easier to analyze the double burial.
Discovered last week during construction not far from Verona, the setting of Romeo and Juliet, the roughly 5,000-year-old couple has already become an icon of enduring love to many.
Like Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, the prehistoric twosome appear to be young, as evidenced by the condition of their teeth. But that's about all that is known about them so far. They could just as easily be two brothers.
But dig supervisor Elena Menotti takes the romantic view.
"It was a very emotional discovery," the archaeologist told the Associated Press last week. "From thousands of years ago we feel the strength of this love. Yes, we must call it love."
—Ted Chamberlain
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Killing Fields
but today in social psych class, we watched THE KILLING FIELDS.
There's a website on the Killing Fields (no not the movie) :
What confused me at first was that those who were enslaving and killing the Cambodians were those who looked like Cambodians themselves. And according to the facts, yes, it's true that they were also Cambodians. Why would you want to kill your own race?! The Cambodian Genocide by the Cambodians. It's a one big FAIL. I cannot imagine Filipinos trying to hurt other Filipinos. Sorry if i sound too patriotic, but that's like hurting your own brothers and sisters. (wooh patriotic!) My logic is that in times of war, we come together as one Filipino nation and fight for our rights, RIGHT? i cannot believe that THAT has happened to Cambodia. and it's just really sad.
TO ADD TO THAT, these Cambodian guerillas/terrorists were teaching the little kids to be terrorists too. Like there was a scene where the adult terrorist was teaching a class and he called a kid to the board. (of course, it was in their language so we didn't understand) the kid went up to the picture on the board, and drew an X over it. The picture was that of a family. and he cut off the line that looked like the parent and the child were holding hands. sad noh? there were some scenes where the children were hitting the adult slaves too. (i don't know what to call them) THAT'S JUST SAD. THAT'S AN AWFUL CHILDHOOD. imagine how many hitlers and khmer rouges you could raise.
there's also this scene where it was time to eat for the workers/slaves... the were lined up like prisoners asking for food (well they really were), and then rain started to pour. they weren't even in a sheltered place. they sat in the mud, and ate rained rice. WAH. i didn't want to eat after i saw that. check 0:43 in the video, that's the scene.
i couldn't find a video, but my favorite scene was when Dith Pran was escaping from the site... he trekked down a small pathway and fell into a pool of mud. Then he realized, the pool of mud was full of skulls, skeletons, decaying flesh of people and torn clothes and stuff. He looked around, and it was full of the same stuff. birds eating flesh... bodies that are still half in the flesh and half bony. creepyshit. update: OH OH I FOUND IT. CHECK OUT 1:56 in the same video.
a few blogs ago, i mentioned about me being a human rights advocate. HAHA. but seriously. i don't think violence is something human. i cannot think of any reason why people would be motivated to hurt innocent people. Power is just a selfish thing, Greed is plain evil, what else. Not unless you have an anti-social personality disorder (like most serial killers) i'd understand where you're coming from. But. HITLER was an educated man. he doesn't even drink or smoke, or gamble!
oh get this, as i was looking Khmer Rouge up, he didn't only execute and torture people, he starved them to death!!!! HOW CAN SOMEONE!!!!! ARGH. frustrated. Here's more: "In power, the Khmer Rouge carried out a radical program that included isolating the country from foreign influence, closing schools, hospitals and factories, abolishing banking, finance and currency, outlawing all religions, confiscating all private property and relocating people from urban areas to collective farms where forced labor was widespread. The purpose of this policy was to turn Cambodians into "Old People" through agricultural labor. These actions resulted in massive deaths through executions, work exhaustion, illness, and starvation."
even more frustrated. it's just tooooooooo stupid, too disturbing, too evil to be true. when they were children, weren't they taught that the devil would get them if they told lies and did bad things and stuff?!?! because when i was a child i was so afraid i'd burn in hell!!! didn't Stalin, Hitler, or Bush think of that?! if war and terrorism did not exist, we wouldn't really need soldiers you know. these soldiers won't have to leave their families and die in battle. we wouldn't waste hundreds and millions of money for weapons and stuff, and spend it to prevent poverty and illiteracy instead.
me being the optimist, i sometimes think that genocide is a way to solve overpopulation, that satisfaction of the IDs of our rulers will keep them psychollogically sane, that maybe poverty, corruption and war exists so that we'd know the difference and appreciate what's better, so that the world wouldn't be perfect and we'd all strive for this perfection.
but killing people, starving them to death, hitting them, separating them from their families or teaching their kids to be evil.
i can go on and on about human rights violation. but i will leave it here, for you, reader, to ponder on.
thinking of getting a job at unicef or something.
watch killing fields. SEND BUSH a copy!