Tagaytay with friends! :)
Camping out in ellein's farm! :)
BlueRoast with Block C! :)
I'm a happy graduate! :)
and so are the Block C people! :) yikee!
YES, I curtsied after I got my diploma!
nice shot Josh! :)
then over the Holy Week, we went awaaay!
Prudencia 2010 with the Concepcions!
We were having a water balloon/watergun fight,
when I pulled out the buckets! BWAHA
It was a blast!
so yeah, i know i was all giddy and excited for that Woodrose interview, got all dressed up for it. But really got me thinking, IT'S REALLY FAR. :) and while i was discerning, this school called for a demo--not an interview, a demo. I immediately set up a date, and there ya have it. I went for the demo class, 4 cutie toddlers listening to my story about Little Red Riding Hood (topic: red), then after they asked me a few questions and told me they will contact me soon. The day after i was texted to come, and there ya go! This is how i got employed in less than 24 hours. HAHAnice shot Josh! :)
then over the Holy Week, we went awaaay!
We were having a water balloon/watergun fight,
when I pulled out the buckets! BWAHA
It was a blast!
There are more pictures of parties I can't post, just because i'm a teacher now. HAHAHAHA
I know some people prefer not to work after grad, and bum around, vacay all they want. That's good! But i don't think it'll work for me. hAHA The 1 month-bumming-around-waiting-for-graduation was enough. I was too hyped up to just stop. and to tell you the truth, i'm enjoying! :) Got to teach my first few classes this summer, and although there were fewer students than i expected, I LOVED IT. :) I LOVE TEACHING! I LOVE THE KIDS! homaygad. I LOVE LOVE LOVE. :)
Today, June 5, I'm officially a 2-month-old working girl! HAHA i'm so addicted to me being employed. HAHA Actually, i can't believe i'm working. Neither can parents. We had this preschool fair at Eastwood, and one parent was inquiring about our school.
mom: so you have highschool here?
me: yes mommy, we do have highschool!
mom: so ....... are you a student here?
me: mommy!!! teacher po ako!!!!
mommy: OH MY!! YOU LOOK SO YOUNG!!!! Daddy look oh! She's so young, and she's already a teacher!!!!
daddy: ah talaga? akala ko 12 siya. (i thought she was 12)
i don't know if i should be flattered! haha i'm trying to change my closet now, just so I look... like a teacher. and not a highschool student. should i wear more make up? i don't know. HAHA
as of now, i'm doing classroom preparations and making unit plans for the schoolyear with just barely ONE WEEK BEFORE CLASSES! we start on June 15 AND I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE MY KIDS! :) on June 15, I'm officially a teacher! IM SO EXCITED!!!! so please pray for me and my first day high! *all giddy!!!!! hihihiih*
more updates soon!
oh mr. sun, mr. golden sun please shine down on me,
Teacher Timee
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