AY NO. i slacked off, took all the time in the world to bum around. like this, blogging. Woodstock learning center called me for a job interview, so i went shopping for an outfit. On the way home, Woodrose called me for a job interview too! I was so excited! YEEH! so today, i went to greenhills to buy another job interview outfit. WAW. GRABEH. ANG DAMI KO KASING FREE TIME DIBA! :) :) :) :)

now, i'm a bit. uhm. STRESSED. DESSERTS SPELLED BACKWARDS YEAH. STRESSED. toxic. i think i'm feeling it. i'm being strangled by school work, and i know it's the last stretch and all, but i need more strength to do this LAST STRETCH. let me survive po please. :( :( :(
i'm excited for woodrose. but then.
HOW DO I GET TO ALABANG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I google earthed Woodstock learning center so that i don't have to go there first to know where it is. besides, they gave me from 9am till 4pm to show up for the interview. so okay. i'm good with that. but then i'm not so confident with going to woodrose, on my own, all the way to alabang, before 8am. i've placed markers on Ateneo, Woodstock, my lola's house in magallanes and woodrose. even from my lola's house, it's faaar.
Lord. :'(
Ask Pao how to get there!:D
ReplyDeletetimee! following you! haha!