- Thesis (final editing and the poster)
- Philo Orals
- PolSci Paper
- Theo Orals
- Directing Finals
I'm quite confident that i was able to do well in my Philo orals. HAHAHAH Father Masong did not have anything to say and just nodded and smiled. I don't know if that's a good thing, but i have a good feeling about it. :) hahahhaha
Right now i'm in Mcdo doing my PolSci paper, since i didn't want to start on my Theo orals just yet. hmph. katamad eh. hahaha. it's about how the may2010 elections is a crossroad of Philippine democracy. does it make sense? i'm about to find out. hahahah.
and you know what i realized just now?
that i can really study. hahaha all these years, ever since i was a child, i've been very very lazy to study, and relied too much on stock knowledge. for most of the time, this worked and kept me going (with grades that were fine. they weren't low, they were good, but not high enough ahha) especially during my gradeschool and highschool years. but never worked for college. i had to study my ass off. everyone did. hahah but now, now with just less than 3 days of college, i'm realizing that I CAN STUDY. hahah i CAN perfect an exam. I CAN give answers to the prof's questions. i'm not stupid pala. hahaha. (dahil lang sa philo orals na yan wooh) most of the time i have the answers to the questions, but i was just too shy (yes) to raise my hand and recite. i was never the person who liked to recite, i never liked speaking in front of an audience, i'm not good in articulating my thoughts (but hell yeah i can express it with actions and gestures haha). but if i just pushed myself for the past few years, maybe i could've recited a little. hahah. this is amazing. all these realizations with just less than 3 days of college life. hahahhaha.

- people-watching in a convenience store is FUN.
not only do you get to see the principle of YOU ARE WHAT YOU BUY, but you see what people consider their immediate needs. (things that they need to buy in a convenience store in the wee hours of the morning, and how jittery they get because they need it badly)
like there was this one Chinese man, came in and went straight to the beverages area and got a big bottle of Red Horse. yeah we usually see teenies buying bottles and cases of beer for inuman sessions, but this was interesting. an old chinese man, maybe in his late 40s, buying a big ass bottle of red horse, his face, indescribable. siyempre, the first thing i thought of was: "this man has a problem with his family business, baka they're losing it na because of economic crisis, so he gets away from his family (daughter wants to be a rebel artist, son likes a non-chinese girl, etc), parks in front of the nearest convenience store, gets a beer and drinks alone.) oh ha. hahahah
or a guy in Barong walked in the convenience store and bought candies, water, and chips. i say: long trip? maybe he's from Laguna or something, went to a barangay conference which explains the barong. that, or he left his house telling his wife he was going to a conference, when in fact he was just going to this hotel nearby, running into the arms of his concubine. (concubine!) and what he bought wasn't actually candy. flavored, yes. candy, no. LOL.
like what i always say, the more you repress, the more the unconscious will assert itself on you. it will manifest in ways you aren't conscious of in one way or another. haha

natawa ko sa entry na to bilang inimbentuhan mo ng istorya yung 2 nananahimik na tao (at ang kanilang pamilya). haha.