hay. the world is so bipolar noh? malabo. parang tayo. yuuuck. hahaha.
so i just have two more on my hands right now, my theology orals tomorrow (feb26) and my directing finals (mar2. which by the way i'm very excited about! hihi) and then i'm done with college. I'M DONE WITH COLLEGE OMIGAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. ALL MY LIFE I'VE BEEN STUDYING AND THE SCHOOL HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY PLAYGROUND, BUT THIS TIME PARANG FEELING KO THE REAL WORLD IS WAITING TO BITE MY ASS.
the real world better be prepared for me.
i'm in the library right now for many reasons:
1. i don't know if i'm effectively studying outside, i'd like to try this new environment (ngayon palang magttry!? hahahhaha)
2. it's quiet in the library. will that be effective? (up until now i don't know what learning environment i'm comfortable with haha)
"It's freaking hot!" - Ma'am Rosana, a few weeks ago
I've missed rain, really. It's so hot, i can feel my skin peeling, i'm red because of rashes (i'm allergic to sweat and unecessary heat haha) and my nose probably wants to bleed anytime soon (because i'm transfering from hot to cold environments like crazy). I WANT RAIN. Just konting shower lang. please?
I remember my immersion in Tarlac, and how it was very very very very hot during the long walk to their field (to get food). how are they na kaya, with this crisis at hand:
YOU DIDN'T WATCH NOH. WELL I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU WATCH YOU APATHETIC READER YOU. imagine losing 1 BILLION just because it's not raining. 1 BILLION. prices go higher for rice and corn and wheat and whatnot. and that's not something to be happy about.
please pray for rain. not ondoy rain. just rain.
1. oh ayan, global warming oh.
2. it's very very very very very hot. we consume more electricity when it's hot because we use the aircons and fans, tapos instead of walking we ride trikes and cabs instead (note: carbon emission), we get fatter because we consume more ice cream than we normally do. (this week, i've probably eaten ice cream everyday.)
3. the ground are super dry. everywhere i look, i see brown grass. BROWN. do you think that's pretty?!?! we don't have autumn in the Philippines, it's not pretty!!!!!
hahaha. it's just really hot. that's why i'm in the library. because it's hot outside.