Lord, saklolo.
Coming back to school after a good break has never been this crazy painful. Over the break, i chose not to do anything AT ALL because i didn't think i'd finish it anyway. When i came back, i've been bombarded with gazillions of things to do. Tipong, things I cannot procrastinate because 24 hours isn't enough. (oh and look at me, procrastinating by blogging)
- THESIS. Why does it never end?! Why does it go on forever and ever? Why? But in fairness, nakakaiyak naman yung stories ng adolescent fathers.
- JobHunt. must start now. must finish resume.
- Something that needs to be passed on Friday. WTF. WTF. WTF.
- I have 4 ideas for a play. I WANT TO WRITE THEM ALL. srsly. SUPERWOMAN AKO EH HA. MADAMI AKONG TIME EH! And just yesterday, i had this amazing amazing idea, but it would take FOREVER to write it. When i kwento to you about it, you'll agree with me too, that it'll take forever to write. So when is the deadline of this? Monday, Jan15. I DIE. PLEASE.
- Philo Long Test. it's weird, but his longtests are OBJECTIVE. even the essay part. uhm!? ayaw mo akong ipagphilosophize?! well, yes it's easier that way pero. don't you just think it's weird.
- SIKOPIL (Filipino Psychology) papers. We were supposed to do lots of papers pala. Actually, I DON'T GET IT. She asked us to read lots of readings, tapos make a paper? or papers?! Tapos hindi ko rin alam about what. Anyway, the deadline naman is between Jan6-12. OH HA. meh ganong duration ang deadline. haha
- THEO reporting. i don't know why but THEO IS A BIG PAIN IN THE ASS. Last night, while downing 1Liter of coffee (yes, i made timpla coffee, and mixed everything in one big ass container), Jer and I were ranting about HOW CORE SUBJECTS (i.e. philo, histo, theo, theo, theo, theo, philo, philo, philo, sfasklfhasfj!!!!) ARE EVEN HARDER THAN OUR MAJORS. as i would put it, "YUNG HISTO!!! KUNG MAKA REQUIRE KALA MO NAMAN COURSE MO!!!! kjdakhsdkahjka!!!" galet galet!? hahahahaha. my theo this sem is a pain in the ass i tell you. pain.
- DIRECTING. oh it looks like we're all just relaxed for the meantime, but Sir doesn't tell you what's in store for the next few weeks. He's not requiring us to do a play for midterms, which, in someway is good because we don't have the luxury of time, but bad because we didn't get to experience it. FINALS will most probably be a play, so by this time, i should be sure that i have a play, cast, team and etc. That's a lot of work. maybe i die.
(kahapon nag reporting kami sa directing. it was a bitch because i didn't understand the reading, i didn't understand my part. so i was blabbering away about theatre during the war, pretending i knew anything. BAKIT BA KASI MAY REPORTING. as in yung typical boring reporting. argh)

My straight hair that expired in 24 hours. HAHAHA. i got a haircut and they blew dry it. so voila. my straight hair for a day. HAHA
and i let go of my plurk (meaning, i froze my karma and said goodbye, promised that i will never plurk until my last college requirement is fulfilled) and deleted my twitter account (miley isdatchu?!). i have more letting go to do, and what better way than to start with the things i hold on to the most. ANODAW! hahah. although plurk has been my source of entertainment (HAHA), it has also been a source of stress. physically (tamad mag type?!) spiritually. and most especially psycho-emotionally. so i'm leaving.
there are a million things to let go, and this is a start.
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