aside from our new microwave in the dorm, our prefect is back.
we're going to have to pass this year for CADS' Rhythm In Blue. HAHA. Not that we know we're going to get in, trust me, no. HAHA. But the EB saw that we couldn't juggle RIB and the newbie production at the same time. I miss dancing though. :( i miss entayaw. haha what were we thinking. HAHAHAHA
last week, ENTABLADO was part of MAGIS, The School Of Humanities' Cultural Gala. :) We weren't part of only presenting the dramatics in The Ateneo, but we performed in a lot more. :) Some of the enta members were also stage managers, headed by The Virlynn Ramirez. :) We didn't get to rehearse DIBA BIDA during that week, but it was okay because MAGIS rehearsals were funn-nny. HAHAHA. (hihi)
So after MAGIS, we were back to our busierbee lives again.
By now, people should have gotten the cue that it was no longer the time to say "guys crunch time na!" But now is the time to say "guys, this is it". And how i see it, no one's even saying crunch time na. Hai. My eyes are tired, and crying will not do anything anyway. I'm just praying for a miracle on Monday. A lot of people have sacrificed a lot for this production, and i don't think many people get it. It's unfair. So i'm just praying for a miracle for everything to be okay. My actors, tech, props, set. *deep breaths. deeep breaths*

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