new year, new blog. wooh.
what have i been up to lately?
- i am sick. i'm just sick again. my nose is stuffy all the time, my head really really hurts, my allergies are acting up again (i believe it's because of the make up, and the climate change) and i'm stressed. i'm juggling several things at one time, i don't think i'm equally distributing my efforts to all the things i have to do. boo. so. there. my mother and i have always believed that when we get sick, it has something to do with our psychological burdens. like i once has tonsilitis, i didn't know what else to do to make it go away. haha, i talked to my tonsilitis. according to my mother (she's a psychologist FYI), it's because in my subconscious, i'm keeping something that i've been wanting to say for so long. HAHA. whatever that was, maybe i already said it because i'm good now. HAHA i have yet to find out about why i'm sick now.
- UNANG BABOY SA LANGIT!! JAN19-31, 2009 RIZAL MINI THEATER, Ateneo de Manila University! tix at P220. PLEASE WATCH!!!

on another note. doing shows from monday(jan19) until saturday the following week (jan31) with only Sunday as our rest day. you can just imagine how terribly tired we are. well. I AM. after every show, after giving it all the energy i have left, i could just collapse and sleep forever. i'm doing all the shows because i have no alternates. although i have jai and pat as my emergency alternate in case something happens, i don't know, i just hope i'm still alive until the end. I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO THE PROD PARTY AND NOT GETTING DRUNK. :) :)
God, just give me more energy. please. just 10 more shows. TEN. i can do it. i got through the 5 shows, just ten more please. please.
- ENTABLADO DIRECTING WORKSHOP. This is open to all sophomores and juniors in ENTABLADO. :) We will be inviting two critically-acclaimed award-winning Directors. :) watch out for it! Feb7 and 14!!!
- NO SPEED LIMIT!!!!!! TO ALL COLLEGE ATENEANS!!! IF YOU WANNA GET FIT, EARN MONEY AND HELP SPECIAL KIDS, then this event is for you!!!! NSL is a fun run wherein you ask pledges from your family and friends. Their pledges will be multiplied by how many rounds you make! And in the end, if you remit on time, you can get 10% or even 15% from your earnings!!! FREE SHIRT TOO! :) horay! JOIN NOW!!! contact TIMEE 09176030821!

I wanted to say i'm tired also with having to juggle this project with UNANG BABOY SA LANGIT, ENTA'S DIRECTING WORKSHOP, and guess what! i'm a student too!!! WITH MY ACADEMICS. but. it's just all fulfilling, knowing that people care, that people put effort in trying to make it happen. There was a point where i was thinking of giving up one of these. OBVIOUSLY, I CANNOT GIVE UP MY ACADEMICS. lol. but then i realized, i put myself into this situation, and i was fully aware that i'd be this tired. when i applied for project head, i was so enthusiastic. when i auditioned for unang baboy, i cried because all i wanted was to get in. When i accepted the Directing Workshop, i didn't have second thoughts. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. :) i can do this.
- OJT.(on the job training) i went to the jobfair in school this week, and looked around. i applied in all the companies i could. HAHA. i promised them my resume come friday, but i didn't have time to do it. i go home at midnight and go straight to sleep every night. so. yeah. most of the companies were for HR internships in my course. although the career path i'm choosing is in the academe, i will take whatever job for my OJT. although i took an application form from poveda, i also liked L'OREAL and HP. :)
but if you ask me about my DREAM JOB, it's working at WALT DISNEY STUDIOS. :)
- ACADEMICS. let's see.
history : i have two group papers. i'm just terribly sorry to my groupmates, everything happening in histo have been a blur. i don't even know what's happening now. please tell me so that i can help. sob.
philo : oh the usual.
psychtesting : GO PROCRASTINATION TEST! we're developing this test and hopefully it'll be a good test. :) but i doubt our tests will be used seriously. HAHA it has to undergo reviewing by psych boards and stuff before it can be used by companies. and if we're that successful, we're gonna be rich! *evil laugh* WHAT IS THINKING AHEAD.
io : i cut the class last monday because it was opening night. :) it was a nice show. but i don't think i could make up for the quiz i missed. :)
social psych : i've been cutting the class lately coz i'm sick. so. i don't know what's happening with social psych.
i seem so lost. i will be back i promise.
with all these, i just hope i can get myself together again.
no, I SHOULD. I MUST. i can do this.
livin' and lovin' it, timee
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