I know it's a little too late for this since Christmas parties have already commenced, and this wouldn't have been helpful since the theme of the last party i attended was "something useless" hahaha this is just a mental note of the things i want.
A Victorinox Swiss Army Knife for girly girls.
(they only have these in kids' sizes, so my heart is crying)
(funny funny story!)
(this is really adorable and space saving. will have something like this built)
(I already have the Bop It! and i'm willing to sell it if I find a Bop It Extreme in Pink)
(why? because i'll be using it in school. why? basta!)
(because I can be a preschool teacher)
(wala lang, it's pink and i want a videocam hehe)

A lamp like this or the more lifesized one held by a vintage manequinn
if you know me, i'm a sucker for unusual stuff. gone through the phase of unusual earrings (from french fries, to zipper, to spoons and forks, and huge flowers on my ears) and now i'm obsessed with huge and/or weird rings!!!!
and a bunch of others.
and as a sucker of unusual gifts, check out
they have stuff like this:
this one, i totally want.
When i'm alone in the condo, I want to drown in my genre of music,
let my neighbors complain all night long. I want really really loud speakers.
but, i can forego the loudness of the speakers,
if they're as cute as these pumps. :))))
If you don't know what to get me, just get me weird and unusual stuff.
(i already have a carebears USB, the one that cuts its head off haha)
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