3:30 p.m. - Nang Marie's (my cousin) doctor friends came to the dorm to see if they could give immediate remedy for me, but they also brought a nebulizer. Eh, i already had 3 nebulizations na. So they advised me to go to the hospital na.
4:30 p.m. - My tita and my cousins fetched me and brought me to Capitol Medical Center. They increased my nebulization interval to 30 minutes per inhalation, and then injected a steroid through my vein. nag happy thoughts nalang ako habang pinapasok nila yung needle. both nebulization and the steroid felt like i was floating, and the world was spinning. kaya natulog nalang ako. haha

the doctors advised me to be confined at the hospital, but i didn't want to. it was unneccessary. (wow. mas magaling akong doctor eh. haha) they had to continue injecting steroids, eh gusto ko ba yon. hindeh!!! so they gave me another form of steroid, and asked that i see a pulmonologist today.
i went home to ayala heights at my tita's place so that i could rest. then i went to see my doctor today for check up and he increased the steroid dosage x4. the hospital gave me 20mg of it a day, he increased it to 80mg. wooh. so i'll be on a high for a week, sasabawin ko kayong lahat. haha.
my mother, being the psychologist that she is (and i believe in the things she tells me), says "can i give you a psych work out when you come home? and will you submit to catharsis?" She believes that this is all because of stress. sabi nga sa gen.psych, the mind and body are connected. So whatever is happening to my psychological being manifests in the body. Yes, to the psych work out. Catharsis, uhm. yes, only if someone else does it to me. it's like confessing to a priest, and you prefer that the priest is a stranger priest, not your friend priest.
thus, overnight, i have decided that my lifestyle is stressful and it needs a major makeover.
1. I usually sleep with the lights on, a movie or my iTunes playing all night long. (it puts me to sleep) but last night at my tita's house, i tried putting it off and slept without the lights. when i woke up, my head felt lighter (in a good way) and i was less tired. idk if the change has something to do with it, but i'm going to continue it. it saves electricity too! haha
2. lesser internet time. refreshing my plurk and multiply page every 5 minutes is not the way to go. should internet only when needed:
- school work. research, ym meetings, etc.
- when my friends have urgent and juicy chika. (hindi ba all the time naman toh. haha)
- only when i'm bored na wala akong schoolwork na kailangan gawin. :)
- when the next episode of GLEE is up and i have to download it.
so when i'm online, that's the only time i'll be plurking, blogging, multiplying, twittering, etc. i can already see that this change will only be an attempt and will soon be an EPIC FAIL. hahaha
3. change my sleeping position. i usually lie flat on my stomach facing the bed. this is obviously a FAIL position because it presses against my chest, making it harder for me to breathe. when i lie flat on my bed facing up, i feel like drowning. dunno why. so i'm going to start sleeping sideways. i don't know if it's the same for you, pero don't you feel that there's a perfect side when sleeping? sometimes facing your right is better, and sometimes facing the left seems like the best position. tapos it varies from time to time? diba? no? okay. this is true for me.
look what i found:
4. extreme stress management makeover. i always think that the time i spend not studying is the time i spend to relieve stress. (can you read 'internet time' between the lines? haha) but it seems that this does not work. retail therapy SOMETIMES works, but it's totally unneccessary. there are other ways to relieve stress. some find relief in goods. (HAHA SORRY ANG SABAW) some find postage stamp collecting relieving. and studies (WOW nag research!?) have shown that my #5 below is a very effective stress reliever.
5. i need exercise. lots of it. for health reasons. while i was at the infirmary today, TIME magazine was right up in my face in the magazine rack with the cover title: HOW TO STAY HEALTHY AND FIT. I read it and it said that staying fit gives you more energy, gets your body systems in shape, and let's your mind work properly. healthier lifestlye!! Time magazine says that it should be CALORIE IN and CALORIE OUT. meaning, eating this amount of food should equal to the amount of energy you should spend.
(i chose not to put pictures for this number as it will entice me more)
i should also go for healthier food. load up on fruits and vegetables. get rid of junk food, candies and anything other than water and milk. lessen (yes lessen, because i cannot let go of these) perhaps my bm (burger machine) intake to just one sanzrival per trip. bwaha. i can't let go of cake too. i love cakes. my newest love is Starbucks' Banana Caramel Cheesecake. it's like banoffee pie minus the pie, plus cheese. haha. it's love. (OKAY TIMEE STOP) and as much as possible, avoid alcohol. (i should pretend i'm pregnant to make this attempt successful. haha) i will not condemn it, but i will lessen it.
also, NO MORE JUNKFOOD WITH MY MEALS. NO. okay. i'm fond of this, and this has to stop. i'm giving my junkfood to jermaine. haha.
i'm not a health buff, or an expert of some sort, but this is the first step. i've done this n times already, and usually it's always a FAIL. it works for about a days or so. tapos i get stressed, and my mindset begins to reason out that i need to treat myself to whatever i want to relieve stress.
NO TIMEE NO. NO!!!!! OKAY!!!!! okay. haha
5. lessen the clutter around me.

ohh. my friends, ate vir and kate have this garage sale very soon. idea idea idea.
6. SLEEPING EARLY. the only reason why i sleep at almost 2am everyday is because i'm online, and if things go well, i should be able to sleep at around 11. okay timee? no more unneccessary agendas beyond 11.
i can foresee the this major lifestyle makeover is a FAIL. well, maybe 50% fail lang. but i'm going to try. i have to. if i don't, then it's going to be like this forever. i'm going to keep on getting sick, have more frequent visits to the ER, and i'm going to keep on making stress an excuse to 'treat' myself to whatever i want. i better stop making excuses. STOP MAKING EXCUSES. not doing this to lose weight, i just need a healthier and a more liveable lifestyle.
mommy come to Manila naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. :(
Wala na sang iban nga ilaygay sa imo kundi: Pahuway.
ReplyDeletehuhuhu. wala kuno na sa vocabularyo ko. :(
ReplyDeletei wiiiill. magpuli koooo. huhu