I MISS MY KIDDIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is so depressing. :( usually, i'd look forward to every mondays, or wednesdays, or fridays because i know i'll see tomo, sayoko, ajo, hans, abbi, andrea, scarlett and jack in the morning, and austin, ian, josh (huhu), sofi, sophia, sam and aaron in the afternoon. But today, i won't be seeing any of them!!! i won't get to sing my favorite songs with them such as "hello hello hello it's very nice to see you! how are you on this happy day!" and "one green and speckled frog, sat on a speckled log eating the most delicious bugs, yum yum! one jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool! now there are no more green speckled frogs.." huuhuh. i miss Learning Jungle. and it's so hard to digest that my internship there is over. if things go well, i WILL apply there in the future. but it's different when you're an intern.

here's the book we read all month for the second run. :) Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See by Bill Martin. :) this is the song version though. hehehe. i love that the kids memorize the book already. :)
but on a much lighter note, I AM BACK!!!!!!!!
as i texted my friends, it felt weird because i'd usually feel all teary eyed when i leave for iloilo to go back to manila. But this time it's the other way around. huuhuhuh. but i'm still glaaad to be back!! i hate that i left a dozen of krispy kreme donuts in my ref though. ARGH.
when i came back last Saturday, i wasn't in the mood to stay home, so i went shopping with kaylle, josh, siv and mommy. :) wooh. oh and can i say HOME COOKED FOOD IS SUPER!!!!! i found all my favorite home cooked dishes on the table when i got back!! Latik
in the evening i went out with my friends in smallville (because it's the only place to be. haha), hung out in Mojave! wooh. and oh oh! i heart Gilbey's Premium Strength. :)
then we went to flow. :)

of course, i have lots of things to think about while i am here, so it's not really a vacation. just a getaway. haha. i just have to list them all down just so i see them. :)
- sportsfest
- entadir's prayer
- nstp (promo)
- acads brochure
- cmo letter
- auds skills training
- learning jungle paper
- pambungad output (c/o omar, jeds and tal)
that's it! hahaha. remember a few months back, ENTA had this project dubbed "ANG BAGONG PALABAS" featuring plays written by the ENTA Writers' Block directed by the participants of the ENTA Directing Workshop. :) it was a success, thanks to Dolly! (and also moi!! i headed the directing workshop yoooo!! haha)
this summer, we went to the Advanced Directing Workshop 1 by Sir Tuqxs Rotaquio and 2 by Kalil Almonte. :) it was fun!! yaaay. :) :) :) so this time around, there's a directing workshop output called PAMBUNGAD. hahaha. i chose to direct Sir Njel de Mesa's play, AYAYAYAYAYA!! it's a funny play, so i invited two funny friends to play the roles of Yaya and Dottie. the womanizers Jedyne and Tal. HAHA. I'm so excited to rehearse for real. :) i blocked them once during our first rehearsals, but i don't remember those blocks. hahahahahahahah. (labyu jeds! and tal!) so, i got omar as my Assistant Director-slash-Stage Manager to take care of them while i'm away. :) wooh. hopefully when i get back i'm already loaded with inspiration. :) :) :)
not that, i'm not inspired now. HIHIHIHIHIHIH.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. OKAY MOVING ON!!!! (easy for me to say. HAHAHAHA!!!!) i'm just looking forward to everything. for the things lined up for ENTA this year, for the big Sesquicentennial celebration of Ateneo, for my new friends, for everything!!! wwwoooohhh. :)
this time around, let me just say....
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