I wish I had my life figured out by now. I guess this is normal, at this age and point in time. Not knowing what to do or where to go. I used to be so sure of my plans in life for the next 10 years, now I'm not so sure if I still want these things, or that I should pursue them because these are my dreams. Or
were my dreams.
Who has answers to these things anyway?! Who has got it all figured out, and is completely happy and contented with his life?
I wish life were simpler.
Like figuring out the world, whether I was the world or the world was I. Recognizing and familiarizing myself with faces, and appreciating the people who truly care and matter to you.
On a lighter note, happy happy birthday Daddy! I miss you so much. I can't wait till you get home. By then, this photo will reproduce itself, but will age by a generation. Hihi #PaCryptic Chos. Love you dad! Thank you for everything :)
To my super secret super fan, I love you! This post is not entirely about you (sorry to keep your hopes up haha) but I want you to know that I am simply happy because I have you now. :) #QuesoDeBola #Brie #Camembert #Gouda #Mozzarella #Parmesan #Feta Love you!