Tuesday, August 31, 2010
been feeling a little bit blah lately.
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Go look for the Island Souvenirs page on facebook, LIKE IT, and go to THIS PAGE or copy paste this link http://www.facebook.com/Islands.Souvenirs?v=photos&so=15#!/photo.php?pid=4836903&fbid=429807882317&op=3&o=global&view=global&subj=162690682323&id=551537317 and VOTE FOR THEM. like like like their picture!!!!
My Life Changing Realization
Okay. I figured my blog about my life changing realization (in facebook) could’ve used a better writing. So, here goes the more serious tone of my life changing realization. harhar.
Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE TEACHING. I love my kids. I love the job. I love being able to use teaching as a medium for my gushing creativity. I love being able to sing, dance and act as part of my teaching strategy. I love it when kids ask or say things that make me think about life. They are the masters of life. When the world gets so complicated and we overthink things, my kids remind me how simple everything really is. When I was in gradeschool, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, and the most popular answer was doctor. I was the only one who drew a girl stick figure with a long stick pointing to ABCs on the board. I wanted to be a teacher because I thought it was the easiest job to do; teach kids, make them suffer with lots of projects, assignments and quizzes, be feared as you walk along the hallways and watch them part like the red sea, get lots of gifts during birthdays, Christmas and Teachers’ Day, and bitch around with giving Ds and Fs to everyone you don’t like. Apparently, my mental maturity was so childish. 5 months into this job and I realize that being a teacher is not how I thought it was when I was in grade 1. We teachers have to make sure you get every single detail. We don’t move on to the next if you still don’t get it. We may give you low grades and you may worry about telling your parents about an F in class, but what you don’t know is that we worry twice about how we taught you. We reflect and check if something's wrong with us. Yes, it’s not you. It’s us. And if you’re seriously thinking about getting into this career, think really hard about it, especially if you’re someone who’s expecting immediate results. If you’re in the corporate world, once you score a sale, you see it’s effects right away. If you perform an operation on someone, after 24 hours or so, you see that your patient is fine. If you market a product, in 6 months or less, you will be able to see how your product did in the market. But with teaching, especially in preschool, we have to wait till you get to highschool or college to see if the formation (which isn't mainly academic, it's the basic things in life you have to know) we instilled in you when you were 2, is still intact when you grow older. I've heard teachers telling stories about their students coming back just to thank them. And these are the teachers who have taught all their lives. Preschool teachers don't get the same lovin'. Do you remember your preschool teachers? exactly. I think it's also the toughest job (next to being a parents, yes, since we're your second parents harhar) If we screw up, the kid gets wrong ideas and grows up with a different mindset. Imagine saying the wrong things in class, the kid thinking you're the teacher and you're always right, and finding out 20 years later that the kid grew up to be an alcoholic/drug addict and stuff. the pressure is great, but the fulfilment of the career is worth more than anything.
Mind you, that was just the disclaimer. I don't want you thinking that I don't like my job right now. I really do. But I thought, am I to grow old teaching? What happens to 60++ year old preschool teachers? Do they still teach preschool? haha! I want to but I'm a girl who loves new experiences, loves adventures, loves exploring, loves new things. So. I've decided....
I WANT TO EXPERIENCE AS MANY CAREERS as I can in my lifetime. I realized when I first said this, that’s just so childish of me. Parang kung anu-ano nalang gusto, gagawin. First of all, this career path of having as many careers as possible is very impractical. Everytime you submit your resume to a new career, you start from scratch, without any experiences and no background education or experiences to back you up. If I decided to become an Interior Designer, would you honestly hire me? Would you trust your house to a psych major, with 5 months teaching experience and a few years of theater exposure? If I decided to take this seriously and study Interior Designing for 2 years, work for a firm for 3 years, and decide to take on a new career after that, whatever happened to the money spent on studying ID and the 5 years that I spent on a major career shift. Technically and practically, this “career” is impractical (unless you can find a career that has designing, teaching, psychology, and theater involved).
aaaand! Insecurity bites. I'm a jack of all trades, and master of none. :(( I HAVE TO KNOW what i'm a master of BEFORE I DIE!! ahahaha (ex. I was never an athletic, I hated sports. But then I took Tennis for PE, a random sport. What if I was really good at tennis, I just didn't know because I never gave it a shot? diba? haha but that's fine, wasn't really any good at tennis anyway. haha)
If I didn’t have to think about the practicality of this, these are the things I want to do in my lifetime:
Magazine Industry
This is also my definite next step, like step 2.2. Think Devil Wears Prada. I’m not exactly the fashionable one, and I know a thing or two about fashown, but then I love designing. And I HAVE a background in writing. I was Editor-in-Chief of our school paper and I’ve won a few writing competitions, would you believe. HAHA. If not fashion, I want to write about travelling and food. HAHA I know I’d be good at that, at least. HAHA I was just thinking about the people in this industry, and how they’re so not bored with their jobs. Going to go-sees and shoots, interviewing cool people, running around in heels looking for hats and scarves (DWP much?? HAHA), getting yelled at for getting your boss the wrong coffee, going to parties and getting surrounded by hotties, getting cool freebies or shining like bongga when you do something amazing at work. It’s just that I have a problem with deadlines; if you give me deadlines, I’m most probably going to procrastinate and do it a day before (like the way I ran our school paper. Super sabog, wish I could’ve done better huhu) So maybe this is also a frustration; since I’m so fond of writing blogs, maybe I could try writing. Hmm. I’d like to try this career as well, it sounds uber fun! watch out Anna Wintour. HAHA
Perez Hilton. Cecile Zamora Van Straten aka Chuvaness. Bryan Boy. To name a few professional bloggers who have made it to the blogsphere. I could’ve imagined Perez Hilton starting out as an ordinary gossip blog whom everyone loves to read, and suddenly now he’s soulsisters with Lady Gaga. Chuvaness was already in the elite society so her crowd/readers are more of those who love reading about the upper east side version in the Philippines. And of course, who doesn’t envy Bryan Boy’s adventures. Just blogging about what he likes to wear, what’s hit and miss in the fashion industry, and BAM! Marc Jacobs names a bag after him, and he gets to be in the same row as Anna Wintour and etc. I may not be wealthy enough like Ms. Chuva to go around countries just shopping and buying stuff, I’m no Perez who has lots of connections to put up a gossip site, and I have no fashion opinion to share about. But I can do a travel blog (only if I could do it professionally and had the luxury of wealth and time to do it as a career) or a foodtrip blog (oh this I can, but I do not want to gain more pounds). What else can I do then?? Basta. I’d like to start a blog, and be famous because of the things I write about. Since I spend most of my time on the internet, I can definitely work online (yes, you can totally count on me to work while online, it’s definitely one thing I’m good at! Haha) and I will blog forever, even 3x a day. You get paid to do something you love to do?? HOLLERRR!
Children’s Book Writer
In line with writing for magazines or for putting up my own professional blog, I’d really like to write Children’s books. Shel Silverstein (“The Missing Piece”), Eric Carle(“The Very Hungry Catterpillar”) and Dr. Seuss to name a few of my favorites. Back when I thought of teaching as the only career I wanted to do in my life, writing books for kids was included in my itinerary. I’ve written a few drafts already, I just don’t know how to DRAW. (my kid once said “teacher is that a cat or a cow?” and I was drawing a horse…) I want to write and at the same time draw my books. I just can’t do it. My stories rely more on the pictures than the words (targetting the younger kids who can’t read yet). I want my stories to have lessons about life seeping in, so that the kids remember it so vividly when they grow up. I didn’t exactly have a favorite book (except them classics like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty), but you MUST read “I Love You, Forever” your heart will definitely melt. Check out Shel Silverstein too, MUST READ. I want to write books like that. Please?
Youtube Celebrity
A few years ago when my videos were a hit, (oh yes, they were HAHA among my friends haha, you can search timee gorecho i'm not missing you haha) I decided I wanted to put up a show ala HappySlip or KevJumba. or a more effortful (effortful!) channel like Smosh and Fred. But I was in college, so busy with everything, couldn't write an idea for a short skit, nada. Imagine these people are the perfect example of sariling sikap. Working with their own home videocams, simple editing skills and their trusty laptop. I can do that, if only I just had the time. Now that I'm more free (free than college) and maybe after my play, I can start doing this. HAHA Watch me.
Children’s Toys Developer
Okay, maybe I really want any career that involves kids. But have you seen Lakeshore? It’s toy haven. I’m amazed that at one look, you think ‘Oh these are just blocks with alphabets on them’. Didn’t you know that kids playing with different sized blocks contribute to the development of their Gross Motor Skills? (chos, I’m serious) And these toys that seem so simple, touches many aspects of a child’s development! I love Lakeshore’s animal counters that come in different colors in sizes. These rubber toys can teach math skills like patterns, sizes, counting, colors, ordering, sets and collections, and so much more! Please Lakeshore come to the Philippines and hire me me me!
Showbiz Industry
Ever since I was 3, I knew being an "artista" was all I ever wanted to be. I'd put up mini-shows in front of my grandmamas and titos and titas, singing Wooden Heart. But a now less-ambitious me settles for anything that is related to showbiz. I want to make indie films, be in indie films, go to Cannes (like Ness Roque I envy you haha) I'd want to direct for tv too; soaps, variety shows, production numbers, etc. I want to do technical and prod stuff too, like lights, sounds and sets and stuff like that. Or I can work my way to the top, starting from just being a personal assistant or a publicist (Serena Vanderwoodsen much!), getting the diva red skittles, fixing costume mishaps, being the rep for my star, etc. Whatever goes. Watch out Quentin Tarantino.
Business Tycoon
In the original blog, I only said I wanted to be a business woman. But I thought, hey, I don’t have to put up just one type of business. I can create my own line of everything, put up a super center of all my businesses, and it’d be like a mall of me. HAHA. That is so self-centered. But I can up the employment rates, up the economy of this third world country and make people happy with my great services. Okay, I’m semi serious with putting up a business because I’m not business minded and I don’t like going through all the troubles of putting up one. If I just had my way, I’d franchise a Jollibee store and for sure, it’ll click. But If I had my way my way, here are just some businesses I want to put up:
Hairspray by Timee So I don’t have to go exploring different salons, and I can get a quick manipedi or a hair fix anytime I needed it. I don’t want to study hairstyling or anything, I just want to own a chain of salons that matronas will adore. What will make this business stand-out? Imagine it to be as lively as watching Hairspray on broadway. The manicuristas singing, the interiors popart-ish, the hairstylists dancing. (oh, you wouldn’t trust a hairstylist dancing noh? But my staff will be trained to sing and dance, and still produce an awesome ‘do for you)
Timee’s Diner I’ve always dreamed of having a diner in the Philippines. I know there are already some, like Johnny Rockets in Eastwood, that kindof diner. The one you see in movies, with the jukebox and the bar area, Heaven ‘n Eggs kindof food served, or a pizza parlor like the one in “She’s The Man” (Amanda Bynes), or watch Lady Gaga’s “Telephone” music vid. Diners are supposed to be affordable right? Carinderia is our version. But I really want a diner that people would go to on any given night. What will make this business stand-out? My waitresses and waiters will all be in cute uniforms and in vintage skates, dancing and singing while serving. Like if you order french fries, the waitress serving you will scream “FRENCH FRIES FOR TABLE 23!!!” and then all the other waiters and waitresses scream back “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! French Fries GOOD!” then they all dance the french fry dance. HAHA. This is so sabaw, but it’s going to be the highlight of my diner. Nothing like that here in the Philippines. HAHA
Timee by Timee Gorecho will be the greatest fashion line. HAHAHAHAHAHA Okay I’m just kidding, but it’ll be like SM Department Store, we’ve got it all for you. I love SM’s department store! It’ll definitely give a new meaning to ALL in we’ve got it ALL for you. J Everything designed by moi. What will make this business stand-out? Are you tired of my staff dancing and singing around na? haha! Of course, everything won’t be designed by just me. I want all the amateurs and wanna be designers of everything that can be designed to showcase their masterpieces in my arcade. From aspiring painters who can customize your furniture, your car, your bags, to engineering majors who have cool inventions like a pinball vendo machine (you have to win the game to get stuff from the vendo) HAHAHA It will be a department store of super cool stuff, stuff you don’t usually find in usual places.
Graphic Designer
I have DESIGNER written on my skin already. Frustration much. I'd like to be a Video Games Developer, creating cooool videogames for everything. I'd like to create a videogame for INCEPTION. haha. I'm not a fan of video games, but I can be. It just looks cool that you're able to do all these amazing games, and people around the world glorify you. But then again, i'm an educator and I do not advocate extensive use that can lead to addiction. Educational video games are corny, so maybe I'm not really serious. But then I'd like to work for PIXAR and learn how to create cartoons, the graphics and the works. I love all PIXAR movies, and I'd like to be part of their team someday.
Disney/Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network
Just like PIXAR, I want to be part of the creative team, thinking of new cartoons, skits, stories, events, games, segments etc for the show. If my creative juice was literal, It would be bottomless. And this is why I'd like to have as many careers; I'd like to experience life, and be more creative just because I know more about life. :) (sobrang sabaw ko na, can't make cohesive sentences haha) Oh but yes, you get the point. Can I also work in DisneyLand? and think of new rides? HAHA.
Okay, this one i'm not really serious, but If I just had my own way and all the time in the world, I'd like to try all three. Doctor because I want to be a Developmental Pediatrician. A lot of kids need this type of medical assistance and it's a rare field. Lawyer because back after my writer/showbiz/teacher phase, I told everyone I wanted to be a lawyer after too much watching of that ABSCBN show Kapag may katwiran, Ipaglaban mo! And I liked how they solved crimes and stuff. But when I learned about the demands of taking up law, okay nvm. Architecture is one of my designing frustrations, and i'd want to take it if there weren't so many maths. haha
Forensic Psychologist
Last night, we were drinking and playing mind games. Yes, my brain cells suffered. Here's the story: Michelle and Rachael are sisters. Their mother died, so there was a funeral. In the funeral, Michelle met Jake and they hit it off right away because they shared the same experience (a family member dying). They exchanged numbers, went out, talked a lot and etc. One day, Jake stopped communicating with Michelle. Michelle was so depressed that Jake stopped. The next day, Rachael died. Why? FAQs: Rachael and Jake never met, so you can't say R liked J or vice versa. And no, none of the 3 characters were ghosts, they were all alive in the beginning of this story. The questions is, who killed Rachael and why? Only psychopaths could answer this in less than 45 seconds, thank God it took me 15 minutes. And so I'd like to think about how psychopaths and serial killers think, so I could track down murders and other crimes. It would be so cool, the things they do in CSI. right?
If i was really going to be impractical, I'd like theater to be my LIFE. I can live forever just doing theater, getting paid for doing what I like and what makes me happy. so what's so impractical about that? (financial shiz) I want to study theater further. I thought my 3 unit course on Directing wasn't enough, so I want to formally study the whole thing. Including stage design (DESIGN!!!), lights, the technicals, costumes, make up, props, set, everything. then someday, when I'm too old to move, I can become a theater critic and watch plays and performances for free. HAHA.
I'M SURE THAT THIS LIST ISN'T final final. I will add to this list as I go along my life.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Wonder what she said.

If i'm someone who isn't fond of reading the newspaper, obviously this wouldn't work. But if i missed this page, didn't give a reply and saw this years after, it would really suck. Especially if i liked the guy. and thought he just went away without saying goodbye or something.
How do I want to be proposed?
my tita, who didn't marry her then boyfriend, was proposed under the sea. Literally. (why, is there a figuratively? haha) They were an adventurous couple. They went scuba diving one day, the guy hid the ring among the corals inside a shell. But just that one day, the girl didn't want to go scuba diving. They never did. They never got married. Guess some people aren't just meant to be, eh?
The Empire-state-building-gossip-girl-ish kindof proposal? no. haha. Even Barney from How I Met Your Mother has a dating tip for this. He goes up to some random girl on top of the empire state and says "he's not coming" haha So there are that many romantic hopefuls on top? i hope i don't get proposed that way. (if my future boyfriend proposes in a cliche-ish way, i will erase this blog entry haha) please don't feed me cake with a ring on it. I won't notice the ring and i'll eat it straight up. haha
If it's too much, i'd like to be proposed like this one movie. The guy brought the girl to this dark room, and when the lights opened, she discovered she was in this huge jewelry store and then the guy knelt on one knee and said "will you marry me?" Please marry me richest man in the world.
But i'm a super babaw girl. I find joys and pleasures in the simplest of things. I'd like to wake up one morning with a ring already on my finger. :) or i'd like all my officemates to randomly tell me "marry him na!" or "okay siya. pakasalan mo na" as i walk into my office. Then my boss calls me. I get nervous. When I go to my boss' office, the chair turns around and I find my to-be fiancee proposing. HAHA. Or at the beach (i love the beach), he tells me, let's go underwater and i'll tell you something, tapos when he goes underwater, he screams WILL YOU MARRY ME! bwahah with a ring.
Then, i want to get married sky diving. period. kthnxbye. haha