HOMAYGAD. that must have been the longest time i've spent without the internet. and i have proven that i can stay away from the internet for as long as i can. i am online now because i have to do org work and to keep my online accounts alive. :) (i have freezed my plurk account, which is nearing nirvana. ugh) i cannot believe i'm in PEREZHILTON.com page 29. i have been away THAT long. i've read up to 20 chuvaness.com backblogs, and around 5-7 bryanboy backblogs. my email is loaded, offline messages too, and facebook friend requests. and the weekend is the perfect lazy day to waste my time on the world wide web. :)
my last blog, aside from the bread commercial was about the ENTA Zambales Ocular. so i shall start with that. :) :) :)
I spent the entire Holy Week at my tita's house in Ayala Heights, QC. :) i love it there because the food is wonderful, there's tv, internet, dogs, my cousins, SIMS2 and bottomless ice cream. :) i can't go out anytime i want to though. but i didn't have a problem with that! i didn't mind! i loved staying with the Sto. Tomas'. :)

We ate ice cream 3-5x a day, chocolates, brownies, creme brulees, lovet. of course, i couldn't avoid feeling guilty. and so i promised myself that after the holy week, it'll be a whole summer of not eating! wooh.

we didn't stay in the house for a week. Holy Thursday, we went out to fly kites in Luneta. :)

haha. it was my first time there, believe it or not. :) had fun!

my tita, who was in heels, also flew a kite! hahaha! funny!

played with the dogs too! i'm not allergic to dogs!!! wooh! i always thought that if i play with the dogs, or even go near it, i'd die of difficulty in breathing, or sneeze a lot, or eat their hair or something. but NADA. the whole week i've spent wrestling and running around with Muffin and Angel was fun!! :)

sky was beautiful. :)

thank you to my cousins Michelle and ShaSha for making me feel at home. :)
Black Saturday, i was back at the dorm since ENTA's PLEVSEM (Planning and Evaluation Seminar) was Easter Sunday. I had internet then. I had to finish my powerpoint presentations and my BILOG and other a lot of other things. :) And then Danica, our president, told me we have to meet up at 3 IN THE MORNING. Call time for everyone was 5am. haha. AND SO. I DIDN'T SLEEP ANYMORE because. hahah there was just no time to sleep. :) HAHAHA
it was really really fun. :)

i love ENTA. i love EB0910 (not being cliqueish, i really do, i'm so honored that these are the people i will be working with for a year!)

i love beaches. i used to hate the beach because i hated the sand between my toes or when sand sticks to my feet when they're wet.. but as i grew up, i didn't mind anymore. :) i didn't mind whether the sand was brown or white! i love the beach. :) beaches will always amaze me. :)

this is our BILOG, ENTA's version of a formation session. we did the 3hour BILOG under the blanket of stars, embraced by the warmth of the bonfire, and our senses tickled by the sweetness of roasted marshmallows. :) what is overflowering of words! hahaha. BILOG was nice. :)

Day4 was just calendaring and swimming forever!! :) lovet. no intense sunburns. no hangovers!! (didn't drink! much! hahaha) we were comfortable in our cottages/apartments EXCEPT THE PART WHERE EKHA TOOK OVER MY SPACE IN THE BED WHILE SHE WAS ASLEEP. HAHAHAHAHAHA. joke lang ekhyombs. :)
i was asleep on the way home because i was super tired. when i arrived at the dorm, this sight welcomed me.

ate myra, our dorm's maintenance, brought all the furniture outside, including my things. on the left part of this picture, you can see my pillows piled on top of each other on the bench. yes that's my table, and across it is my cupboard. when i opened the door, my room looked like this.

YES, CLEAN BUT FRIGGIN EMPTY. it took me hours to find the router and the plug of the internet thingy. i was so frustrated because i was SUPER TIRED, and i didn't have things in my room. i had to clean it first from dust so that humans could live in it. so that i could sleep. i was soooooooo frustrated. i don't like it when my stuff gets all over the place without me knowing where they are. when i feel like being messy, i want it to be MY kind of MESSY. i have to know exactly where my things are. but this. WAS just. crazy. it took me hours and hours to find tissue papers, files, wires, and stuff. turns out, ate myra threw it all in the empty cabinets beside mine.

mine is in the center. and those are my things in the other cabinets. argh. i cannot count how many times i prayed to St. Anthony just so i could find things around the room. BUT ANYWAY.
i slept because i was so tired. didn't care anymore whether i found what i've been looking for or not. the following day, i went to enlist myself in the practicum class. of course, that was a long process because i was a late registrant and i had to do the regular registration: lining up and going back and forth. it took me a day to complete everything. i took a day off my internship just to fix registration.
i was just sooo looking forward to the following day. :)
i woke up early, around 5am because i was zuuuper excited to work. :) it was officially my first day. it was my first time to meet and play with the kids! :) it was my first day to test whether i was bluesclues-ish enough for them. :) woooh. AND I LOVED IT!!!!

my first day with teacher (pronounced by the kids as "chichaaah") lei!

and teacher gar!!! :) try saying teacher ron, teacher corn and teacher rap like the way the kids say it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :) :) :) :) :)
i have a long blog about the kids in Learning Jungle, The Fort. But i shall save it until i have pictures of the kiddies! :) Learning Jungle is a pre-school from Canada. :) It's located in Forbeswood Heights, Rizal Drive, The Fort! it's a pretty pretty pretty school, i love it there. :) I also LOVE THE TOYS!!! (diba gar?? lei?? LAKESHORE IS THE BEST!)

Lei works with Teacher Kit in the Culinary and Arts class. they teach kids 5 and above how to cook! really cool actually. sometimes, we get free samples of what they cooked. :) Teacher Gar and Teacher Timee work with Teacher Dez in the BOOKLOVERS class! Basically, we have a book of the week (ex. book about transportation) and all the activities, songs, and toys will be about that book! Our kids are 2-2.6 years old, so they're really really cuties!!!! next week is their last week, and we're going to have a fieldtrip in Fully Booked in Bonifacio High Street as their culminating activity!! yaay. i'm zooo excited. :) i can't believe there are 3 classes left for this run. i will really really really miss Austin (who's transfering to another school), Faith (who's going to Munich) and a lot more! huhuhu. there are other kids who will continue till the next run, and there will be new kids too!!! OJT is just fun. :)

cutieee! the sink and mirror are small din! weeh! everything is small! and i love it! hahaha

i made this for the culinary class. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
i just have a reflection. kids are not comfortable with guy pre-school teachers. i haven't seen one until last friday when an applicant did a demo class in the culinary class. just plain weird.

also, last week, i met up with my cousin. HAVEN'T SEEN HER SINCE MY DEBUT. more than a year ago! hahaha. had lunch in my lola's house, went shopping and then went home. hahahaha. cza is also doing her OJT here in manila. :) she studies at La Salle Bacolod. :)
i guess that's it. i'm pretty full till May23rd! i have to finish my 150 hours in Learning Jungle.. i have to meet all the deadlines for the Formations Committee, do interviews for re-applications and stuff.
so far, this summer is tiring BUT SUPER FUN. :)
* this is quite a long entry, forgive me for my misspelled words, and gramatical errors. i am tired. i've been here in Tapa King (free wifi!) from 11am. it's not 6pm. HAHAHAHA. :) will be back next week! :)
and my last reflection for the day...
my mind may have lost you somewhere in my thoughts,
but my heart will never forget. AuRevoir!